Saturday, October 25, 2008

Sprinkles of Love

Can you see love? Usually we think of love as a feeling but, today I actually saw sprinkles of love.
Let me give you some background. The weekend was going downhill fast and Carson was out of town. I'm sure you all can relate...he leaves and all the sudden the kids get sick. I'm not going into details but, it was not looking good.
Well, I put the kids down for a nap and decided to clean the kitchen. I was cleaning out of frustaration. As I begin to sweep around the table I see hundreds of sprinkles go rolling across the floor. Then, I realize that they are from Thursday morning when Carson helped Carly make cupcakes. For about 1/2 a second I was in the flesh..."could he not clean them up"? Then, the Lord showed me that they were actually "sprinkles of love". The reality is that Carson had been to the gym that morning. When he gets home from the gym he needs to hurry and get into work mode. Well, my sweet husband decided to help Carly make cupcakes (she had begging for like a week). All the while, guess who is in the bed catching some extra Z's ...? He could have rushed in from the gym and said, "Carly, I can't help you, I've got to get to work. Go wake your lazy mom up and let her help." Honestly, if I were him that is probably what I would have been thinking. But, not him, he never complained about it, or really said anything at all about it. I am so thankful to have him as a husband.
I am so thankful that God showed me, visually, actual "sprinkles of love"


Unknown said...

sweet post jamie!

Amy Lafayett said...

I love how God spoke to you and showed you something even in your frustration. And it is great to see how God shows us how much our hubby's mean to us. . . and how much they do that we don't always see! I am glad that you shared! I always love hearing how God speaks to someone. :)