Thursday, July 31, 2008

How I came up with the title for my blog

Well, I stumbled upon doing this blog by accident. Anywho, it asked for a title and the first thing that came to me was' "what's the haps"? Does anybody know these lyrics..."what's the haps on the craps? shake um up, shake um up, shake um up, shake um? It's an old school popular rap song that I should've never knew, anywho... Random lyrics will come to me, so be prepared to read a lot of things that won't make sense.
Oh, and when the title came to me "what's the haps", I was thinking of it as "what is happening...what is going on with me.??"


Amy Lafayett said...

That title is totally you! And I am thrilled that you are joining the blogging world. I have no idea what that song was you were singing in the blog.

Tracy Brothers said...

Love it! Can't wait to read more. If we all walked around with soundtracks playing in the background of our lives, I would buy yours first.